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10 فوائد رهيبة للقهوة الخضراء
10 فوائد رهيبة للقهوة الخضراء

القاهرة - المغرب اليوم

The benefits of green coffee it 's like  aspirin

Studies have shown that green coffee contain a tonic element works perfectly, such as aspirin in keeping blood platelets in the heart and prevent it from get strokes. This component improves blood circulation and prevents hardening of the arteries and therefore, the green coffee drinking prevents many diseases such as stroke , heart attacks, strokes and blood pressure. The
benefits of green coffee to treat high blood pressure

Wear of the green coffee Aatherepeshkl useful high blood pressure have lower blood pressure significantly with a higher rate Wear of green coffee , studies have shown. The
benefits of green coffee for diabetics

The green coffee consumption effective in reducing levels of sugar and insulin in the blood due to the presence of the administrator for the opposite effect on the transfer of glucose in the blood chlorogenic acid.
Of the benefits of green coffee also
__ and prevention of cancer

  Chlorogenic acid found in green coffee is a good factor for the prevention of cancer. Chlorogenic acid and has the ability to neutralize all the compounds that cause cancer in the body addressed.
Mental alertness

Green Coffee contains caffeine , which when ingested in the body makes a person be mentally alert for longer periods. It is known that green coffee Ahasin Almakrhalchks and ability to learn. It makes a person handles the information faster.
Digestive health:

Green coffee help reduce stomach problems. It helps to clean the digestive system as they reduce diarrhea and vomiting. The
benefits of green coffee for the skin

Green coffee help to increase amino acid levels in plasma. Body and protect against free radical molecules in human cells responsible for aging and tissue damage and antioxidants in green coffee interact with these molecules in order to avoid damage to these cells.

It also strengthens the very digestive system which stimulates metabolism or metabolism so that it will not suffer from indigestion again and this is thanks to chlorogenic acid as well as kelp because it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals and all catalysts to digest the body get rid of excess fat and keep the green coffee on the urinary tract in good health , it also improves the work functions of the liver and purify the blood of toxins. the
benefits of green coffee in the maintenance of public health

But green coffee is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers the research is carried out have been made to the adults did not impact on children and pregnant women is not yet known and a lot of my favorite ones is also better for the things the middle.

View on casablancatoday.com

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